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Three Ways to Beat Holiday Stress

The holidays are usually stressful for many people as it is. This year everyone is feeling the stress more than usual. Right? Right.

The current state of the world is so far outside of our control. What you and I can control is how we respond to the stresses that we're all collectively facing. Times like these are when having a wellness practice is your best ally.

Over the years I've tried many practices. I've found that doing a few simple basic things daily help me the most when it comes to being able to handle the highs and lows of life. These are practices that have served me well during some of the most challenging times in my life. Making my health a priority has been my ace card. Here are some of my daily routines for optimal health.


I've sung the praises of Meditation many times before. And I'm doing it yet again! Meditation truly is a bedrock practice that can help you move through the daily challenges of life.

Some of the benefits of Meditation include a...

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10 Ways To Boost Immune Health. You CAN do it!

You are the master of your own health! 

Do you feel this way about your body and your health?

I want to share with you all the ways you can help your body to become stronger and more resistant to illness. There are many simple things you can add into your daily routine to make being healthy the easiest option.

There's so much fear in these times. It can feel like you're helpless. You definitely aren't. It's about knowing what to do and then doing it consistently.

All of us are powerful. Your body is very resilient. When you give your body great nutrition and detoxify your system daily, optimal health is possible.

Many of the practices I'm sharing I've done myself for many years. The last cold I had was in January of 2014. I definitely know how to avoid viruses and illness! I want to share this with you so you can also stay healthy and strong. 

1) Nutrition is where it all starts. Giving your body lots of vitamins, nutrients and phytonutrients is a way to help...

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Ways to Get Out of a Rut FAST

There was a time in my life when I wanted to get healthier but instead I would drive to the Dairy Queen drive thru.

Then I'd feel like crap for my addiction to sugar and ice cream. This was long before I learned about the harm caused by dairy products. Fast forward to today. If you offered me a million dollars to hit that drive thru I'd say no.

What changed? My mindset. In the years since my food addiction days I changed my mindset around food, my body and what's really important to me. The techniques I used to get there are the same techniques that can help you get unstuck.


Before you can transform anything you have to become aware. What's bothering you about your current state? How is it impacting your life? How is it making you feel?

It's very easy to be on auto pilot in life. In fact we're encouraged to be on auto pilot. That keeps things at the status quo. But when you start to think about what your real wants and desires are, you may find yourself wanting...

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Four Ways to Banish Stress

In this, the strangest year ever I have many conversations with friends and colleagues about stress.

Many people are feeling it, understandably so. However if being stressed out fixed anything I'd tell you to load up on it. Stress fixes nothing, and instead robs you having some joy in your life. 

There are many things you can do to combat stress but in this week's blog I want to share some of the top ways (in my opinion) to bring down your stress levels. While a stress response is normal to life's challenges, most people live in a constant stress state that is damaging to their long term health. 

There are some simple and practical ways to bring your stress levels under control.

1) Sleep

I consider sleep to be a superpower. For someone who used to party late into the wee hours of the night this is quite the statement. If only I knew then what I know now. Sleep naturally helps lower stress in your body. It's so important for your wellbeing that when you don't get enough...

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What Are the Best Ways to Boost Your Immune System?

With school around the corner I've been having many conversations with my mom friends who are worried for the health of their kids and their families. 

One of my close friends confided in me that after being forced to shut down her business for three months she can't afford another forced shut down. Who can? 

Fear will never get you anywhere. But boosting your immune system and being proactive can go a long way, especially these days. In this blog I want to share with you my top tips for getting your Immune System in tip top shape. 

There are many simple things you can add into your daily routine to make being a healthy the easiest option.

With all the news and experts talking about COVID-19 it can seem like individuals are helpless. We're definitely not. It's about knowing what to do and then doing it consistently.

All of us are powerful. Your body is very resilient. When you give your body great nutrition and detoxify your system regularly, optimal health is...

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Two Secrets to Flowing Through Grief

Anyone else feeling like 2020 can go away?

Is it just me? Didn't think so. 

This past Saturday my cat of 11 years went out to explore and so far she hasn't come home. She's an indoor/outdoor cat and goes out almost daily to check out where the wild things are. But she always comes home. Except this time she hasn't come back (so far). 

It's really upset me. I am in tears. I miss having her around and know her daily routine as well as I know my own. I love my companion animals as I love any person in my life. I felt waves of grief and overwhelm come over me. The worst part of her being gone is not knowing what happened to her, if she's okay and if she'll ever come back. As much as my heart hurts for her, I'm reminded once again about how impermanent life is. That no one we love belongs to us. We're always in flux. 

Having to say goodbye without actually knowing if it's time for goodbye. Or the worst is having to say goodbye when you don't want to say goodbye.


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