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Three Ways to Beat Holiday Stress

The holidays are usually stressful for many people as it is. This year everyone is feeling the stress more than usual. Right? Right.

The current state of the world is so far outside of our control. What you and I can control is how we respond to the stresses that we're all collectively facing. Times like these are when having a wellness practice is your best ally.

Over the years I've tried many practices. I've found that doing a few simple basic things daily help me the most when it comes to being able to handle the highs and lows of life. These are practices that have served me well during some of the most challenging times in my life. Making my health a priority has been my ace card. Here are some of my daily routines for optimal health.


I've sung the praises of Meditation many times before. And I'm doing it yet again! Meditation truly is a bedrock practice that can help you move through the daily challenges of life.

Some of the benefits of Meditation include a...

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Boost Immune Health While You Sleep!

Wanna know my fave tip to boost immune health?


Are you getting enough sleep? Sleep is a powerful way to help your immune system stay healthy. When you get enough sleep your body is able to recharge. Sleeping well is basically a super power. 

During sleep is when your brain takes out the trash from the day, your hormones rebalance, and stress levels lower. In fact a lack of sleep is perceived to be  a state of stress for your body. Going more than 6 days with 6 or fewer hours of sleep actually results in insulin resistance. 

On the nights where you don't get enough sleep you may find that you're moodier or that you crave sugary junk foods. A lack of sleep is associated with decreased leptin and increased ghrelin. Leptin decreases appetite and ghrelin increases appetite. These changes have also been observed in reaction to food restriction and weight loss and are typically associated with increased appetite. These hormone alterations may contribute...

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Four Ways to Banish Stress

In this, the strangest year ever I have many conversations with friends and colleagues about stress.

Many people are feeling it, understandably so. However if being stressed out fixed anything I'd tell you to load up on it. Stress fixes nothing, and instead robs you having some joy in your life. 

There are many things you can do to combat stress but in this week's blog I want to share some of the top ways (in my opinion) to bring down your stress levels. While a stress response is normal to life's challenges, most people live in a constant stress state that is damaging to their long term health. 

There are some simple and practical ways to bring your stress levels under control.

1) Sleep

I consider sleep to be a superpower. For someone who used to party late into the wee hours of the night this is quite the statement. If only I knew then what I know now. Sleep naturally helps lower stress in your body. It's so important for your wellbeing that when you don't get enough...

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Going Back to Basics

The last couple of weeks have been emotional and intense.

Everything that's been going on in the world is a wake up call. I have faith that this is a grand awakening. We're all a part of it. All of us need to stand up to oppression where ever and whenever we witness it around us. Supporting Black Lives Matter and other organizations that are working on raising awareness and advocating for system change is something we all need to support. 

As I've marched, spoken to my black friends, witnessed and heard their pain I've started to think about how important it is to build a strong foundation of health in order to support others. 

The ability to hold space for others, to hear the pain in their voices, share in their heart break requires that we ourselves are of strong mind and body. In this blog I want to share my top tips for how to boost your own health so that you're able to help others. 

Remember when we used to be able to fly? I remember those days. Before...

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