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Are You Addicted to Food?

Have you ever struggled to stop eating certain foods because you know they aren't healthy for you?

But no matter how many times you commit to change your ways you find yourself eating them? Or do you feel out of control around certain foods? This can be a bit of a dicey topic because there can be so much shame wrapped around issues with food. There's nothing to be ashamed of. It's all about learning about yourself, what triggers you and steadily making progress. 

Full confession I had a serious problem with sugar. I was so hooked on it that I thought about it all the time. In fact at one point I used to eat chocolate bars a day. Yikes!

Fast forward a few years later and I was really struggling with my hypothyroidism symptoms. My brain fog was out of control, I was really depressed plus I had gained close to forty pounds. Not that weight is the be all and end all of health but I didn't feel good in my body.

Even then I couldn't stop having sugar. It was a vicious cycle. I would...

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I'm so Addicted...To Sugar That Is!

I was majorly addicted to sugar. I had a multiple chocolate bar a day habit. Ice Cream. Chocolate cake and so many other sweet things!

It wasn't just sugar though. I liked to binge on fast food, junk food, processed food, alcohol. Even overdid it with caffeine. I had zero idea about how my body actually worked and how to nourish it.

I also was an emotional eater. Some people stop eating when they're upset. Not me. I liked to eat, alot, to soothe my emotions. 

Let's just say it's been a journey to break up with my addictive eating habits. This journey has gone through variations and has taken years.

I share this because so many people struggle with food addictions. I know what it's like. But I was able to overcome my food addictions. There are a couple of things to be aware of in your journey to healing your relationship with food.

The first thing is that food companies work very hard to get you physically, mentally and emotionally addicted to their bad food. All the food...

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