According to research, 80% of people give up on their New Year resolutions by mid February. The third Monday of January is also known as Blue Monday which doesn't help with motivation either. This is when the shine of the New Year wears off and the dark days of winter can really get to you. Especially this year when most of us are back in lockdown.
What about your goals? Do you toss them to the curb and wait until next year?
Heck to the NO! I'm going to share with you some tips and strategies that I've been using to get myself motivated and back on track. This isn't about forcing yourself or being in denial about how you're feeling. It's always important to acknowledge how you're feeling and where you're at. This is about using some tried and true strategies when you're ready to go after your goals.
Know Your WHY
In order to create new habits and improve on your life you have to...
Most likely failed resolution attempts of the past dance before their eyes. Like them, you might have lofty goals of your own but scoff at the idea of New Year's Resolutions. The most common goals that most have are around getting more fit, losing weight, and eating healthier. Or possibly writing the next great novel.
And yet year after year most people fail at these goals. Why?
I believe it's because most people put too much pressure on themselves. They also take on too much, too fast. The sheer amount of change they try to attempt becomes overwhelming. Initially they may have enthusiasm that gets them started on their path to health, wellness and a six pack.
However the amount of changes they're attempting to make become overwhelming and usually within three weeks they've gone back to their previous ways. Each time this happens, there can be a sense of failure. Which means...
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