Paleo. Keto. Carnivore. With each new trend there are recipes, books, Pinterest posts, Instagram influencers. Usually the benefits of each trend is touted and many people jump on board hoping to create better health and ripped abs.
Is every trend healthy? What diet trend should you follow? In this blog I go over some of the more popular diet trends and some of the health risks that are related to them.
Paleo Diet
The Paleo diet is a hot trend, but it's not a new eating plan. This diet emphasizes foods and beverages that would have been the only means of sustenance for humans in prehistoric and pre-agrarian times -- fruit, vegetables, nuts, and meat. It eliminates processed foods, along with sugar, table salt, caffeine, legumes, and dairy.
The pluses with Paleo is that it eliminates processed foods, sugar and dairy which means it reduces inflammation. The downside is that some versions of Paleo people have too much meat or have...
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