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Two Questions to Ask to Gain Clarity During Uncertain Times

Have you ever ugly cried? The kind of crying where there are tears streaming down your face, and snot running into your mouth because you're crying so much. UGLY crying. 

The last time I ugly cried I was truly brought to my knees. I remember where I was in my kitchen ugly crying. It was early days after my husband had passed away suddenly from a heart attack. I was still in a state of shock and unable to manage my emotions from moment to moment. 

There I was curled up into a ball on the kitchen floor completely distraught. No one was with me. I felt completely alone. Somehow out of the ether two questions floated through my mind.

How is this helping me?  What's next?

These two very simple and basic questions became the foundation on which I built my new life. It's very humbling to be in a completely broken state and ask how is this helping me? When we're in an emotionally fragile state our ego doesn't want to look inwards. 

But being at your most raw and...

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