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2 Tips To Help You Stay On Track In 2020

Did you know that most people give up on their new year resolutions by mid-January? Research shows that 88% of people don’t accomplish what they set out to accomplish. 

In this blog I’m going to share some very simple ways to keep yourself on track whether you have fitness goals, nutrition goals or some other goal that you really want to accomplish in 2020.

Let me start off by saying congrats!

It’s great that you want to create positive change in your life. That’s admirable and needs to be celebrated. Stand up (if you’re sitting) and give yourself a big old pat on the back. Literally stand up and do it. If your cat, or dog, or partner looks at you funny it’s okay! 

I have two great tips for staying on track with your intentions for 2020.

The first way to do is to make the new habit the obvious choice.

For example if your goal is to eat healthier food, stock your fridge with only healthy whole foods. Take all the junk food out of your...

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How To Keep That New Year Shine All Year Long

It’s the start of a brand new year! For many people the start of a brand new year is the perfect time to set some new health and life resolutions. 

But did you know that 80% of people fail at their resolutions? Not very encouraging statistics. How does it all go so wrong?

What happens for a lot of people is that, while they have big plans, they’re not very clear on WHY they want what they say they want. At the start of the year they might be highly motivated, but as soon as that new year shine goes away they go back to the very same habits that haven’t helped them.

Here are some tips on how to get clear on your WHY and stick with your big sky vision goals.

First things first - what is your WHY? 

Take a journal and find a quiet space to answer these questions for yourself...

Why do you want what you say you want?

Do you want to get healthy so you can play more with your kids?

Do you want to shed excess weight so you can do a triathlon?

Are you...

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