The Health Blueprint

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Sounds familiar?

You’ve tried everything and you’re still sick and miserable

You’ve been struggling for years with symptoms of hypothyroidism and hashimoto’s

You’re sick of crash dieting

You’ve invested thousands in programs that don’t work

The Truth is…

Addressing the symptoms of your health issues isn’t enough, you need a deep detoxification and a new way of approaching everything in that area of your life.


The Health Blueprint:

A 16 weeks group coaching program to help you transition into your new best, healthy life with the support, care and nurturing you need.


Client Reviews

"I was already raw vegan before starting this program. I only ate organic, and my diet could not have been cleaner. Despite this, I still suffered with debilitating Lyme disease, chronic pain, and I had a service dog that I could not function without. I can't put into words the gratitude that I have for this program. Almost immediately, my brain fog started to lift, my joint pain disappeared, and I went from barely able to walk to running a marathon. It sounds too good to be true but I'm living proof that when you repair your gut, amazing things happen. I'm happy to say that I was able to retire my service dog, and Im now symptom-free. I have my life back."


- Michele Bradeen 

"I'm supporting my body during illness and it's easy! I really didn't think this would help me. I was worried it would actually make my condition worse, But how wrong I was. I went from tired and hopeless to energized and ready to not just survive but THRIVE!! I'm seeing huge changes on the outside but the ones on the inside mean the most to me. I'm supporting my body during illness and it's easy!"


- Mandy 

"Today I had my endocrinologist appointment and she said I have to reduce my Levothyroxine dosage as my TSH levels have decreased to the lower range of normal range 0.4. I usually take 88 mcg but now as I continue this program, she said dosage can be decreased) and my A1C levels are good without metformin.

I am so happy to see good results with my routine within 2 weeks. So happy that I found you!"


- Sony 

"Since I started the program, I lost 10lbs, my body shape looks better. My neck feels slimmer and the bloating is gone.
Prior to the protocol, there were days I felt like I was hit by a bus, spending the whole day in bed, feeling completely depleted - I don't have that anymore, not that extreme exhaustion.
I trust the process and I know in my heart that this is the way to go, I know I will reverse Hashimoto's if I keep going and at some point I will lose more weight. I still have 2 months to go in the program. Excited to see how my health improves."


- Lamia 

How The Program Works

This is a group coaching pace program, with weekly live 90 min group coaching calls, a private community and exclusive resources.

Learning Platform

  • Upon entry to the course, you’ll be added to our online learning management system.
  • Here you will work at your own pace through pre-recorded videos and have access to numerous resources.
  • Your progress is recorded on the platform, and you can also listen to this while you're on the go with the mobile app.

Weekly Group Coaching

  • Join Julie every week for a live coaching sessions
  • Meet a community of people going through the same problems
  • Get your questions answered and direct guidance from Julie

Live Healthy & Pain Free

  • Get adapted solution to your healing process and start your last recovering journey
  • Have fun while making progress and do it with others
  • Achieve your most vibrant health and get your life back

Plus Exclusive Access To The Mobile App To Watch The Program On-The-Go!

Meet Julie Brar

I’m a Certified Regenerative Health Practitioner, Holistic Nutritionist and Certified Health Coach. I began my career in holistic health because of my own diagnosis with hypothyroidism and Hashimoto’s after my husband’s sudden passing in 2012.

I had no idea how trauma can create illness in the body until I was dealing with the loss of my husband. I spent six long frustrating years struggling to find answers. I was depressed. I went from a size 2 to a size 14. I hated my body. I stopped going out with friends and socializing because I couldn’t fit into anything. I hated how I looked. When I got out of bed in the morning my joints hurt. I couldn’t stand up straight first thing in the morning. I went to multiple doctors and naturopaths who prescribed various remedies. I took medications for 6 years for my thyroid which did little to alleviate my symptoms or my pain. I really hated myself. At times I was suicidal because of the state of my health.


I tried many things that didn’t work- IV therapy, cryotherapy and even Keto. I have spent thousands of dollars on gimmicks and plans that failed me. What I didn’t know at that time was that I was doing a lot of the wrong things. I wasn’t addressing the root causes of my thyroid and Hashimoto’s. You can waste a lot of time and money doing the wrong things, thinking you’re doing something when really, you’re just spinning your wheels.

I have used organic nutrition, holistic health practices, herbs and other proven protocols to completely titrate off my thyroid medications and reverse ALL my symptoms. I’ve been medication free for over three years now. I feel AMAZING in my body and I want to share this knowledge with you. What has taken me almost ten years to learn I can teach you in a few weeks and give you your life back.

I know how frustrating it is not feel good in your body. I know how frustrating it is NOT being listened to by doctors and feeling completely hopeless. I HAVE BEEN THERE! Your body has an innate ability to heal. You just have to give it the proper supports. Are you ready to begin?

Are you ready to finally take action?


Enroll Today

Get instant access to the learning platform and private group

Show up weekly

Join the live group coaching On Wednesdays and Fridays get direct guidance from Julie

Live Your Healthiest Life

Finally live pain-free and happy

Enroll Now

Are you ready?

Start Date: September 13th

  • 16 week program
  • Weekly 90 min group coaching calls (Wednesday) + 30min Q&A (Fridays)
  • Community support
  • Initial assessment and protocol updated monthly
  • Guidance on transitioning your diet to WFPB Alkaline diet
  • Holistic health practices to help calm your nervous system
  • Daily health practices to get on the road to optimal health
  • Guidance on opening up elimination pathways of the body
  • Understanding deep detoxification and how it helps with healing
  • Learning bio hacks to help accelerate healing
  • And much more!

4 Payments Of




1 Payment Of


(save $100)


4 Payment Of


+ 2x30min calls