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Fall in Love With the Most Important Person in Your Life. YOU!

Where are you on your to do list?

You know the list that you have that's ongoing. The one that you never seem to get through?

Where are you on that list? Most people put themselves at the very bottom of their priority list. And it's literally costing them their life and wellbeing. 

In the short term making the easy choices- take out instead of a healthy home cooked meal, binge watching Netflix, having that second glass of wine, skipping yoga or exercise or any number of things that take you further away from your optimum health goals. 

What if taking care of your health is an act of radical self love?

Health is truly wealth. However 88% of Americans are struggling with some kind of chronic health condition that affects their quality of life and potentially shortens their life span.

But this doesn't have to be you.

What if taking care of yourself became an act of radical self love? Media, advertising and big food companies tell you to use food and alcohol as a weapon against yourself. Yes, some of those things can taste good in the moment but leave you feeling terrible in the long run. Your body is telling you exactly what it thinks about your food choices. If you're feeling tired, sluggish, moody, achy and carrying extra weight then your body is sounding the alarm.

Fall in Love with Taking Care of Yourself

Taking care of yourself is an act of self love. When you're at your best you can do all of the things you want to do in your life, from looking after your family to any career goals you may have or any activities you enjoy doing. It's pretty challenging to do what you love if you're not feeling at your best.

Some of the ways you can practice self love is to eat organic whole foods and superfoods, getting adequate sleep, meditation, and finding a way to move your body in a way that speaks to you. If you're not familiar with how to get started I highly recommend downloading my free ebook that outlines some of the ways you can get started on your wellness journey. 

The other thing that always helps when you're creating new health habits is to find some accountability. You can ask a friend to be your accountability buddy or join a group, online or in person. If that's not an option working with a coach in an individual or group program is also very helpful. 

If you're ready for radical transformation check out my 30 day program the Ultimate Lifestyle Transformation. Here you'll have lots of support and amazing nutrition to help your body to heal on a cellular level. If you're ready to transform your body, mind, and spirit I highly recommend it. Put yourself at the top of yourself list. Fall in love with taking care of yourself. Get radical about self love and self care. Fall in love with yourself.

Photo by: Jon Tyson



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