Improve SLEEP patterns?
Enhance your DIGESTIVE CLEANSING processes?
Improve your MOOD?
Increase your LIBIDO?
Get rid of CHRONIC PAIN?
If you answered YES to any of the above, then you MUST do The Ultimate Lifestyle Transformation!
This nutrition program is CONVENIENT and it was designed with the idea that if we nourish our bodies daily with superfoods -Â slowly detoxifying - we can regenerate our genes and repair at a cellular level. When we do this we alter our epigenetics and we return to a state of hormonal balance.
WE ARE WHAT WE EATÂ and the higher vibratory foods we eat the higher our bodies will vibrate with life!
Book a 30-minute consultation to see if the Ultimate Lifestyle Transformation is right for you. Please note this is only available in Canada and USA.
"I'm obsessed with the Transformation! I love a powerful detox program that doesn't make you feel like you're starving, but gives you the results you're looking for. Julie Brar has been an incredible coach guiding me through the process, checking in on me regularly, and answering any questions I may have. I'm so grateful to have someone I can connect to directly while going through the program, and Julie goes above and beyond to support your success. I feel lighter and happier... and my body feels more in balance. If you feel like your mind and body needs a reboot then I highly recommend you consult with Julie about the right program for you and your needs."
If you're flip-flopping on all those goals you have for your health and well-being, I'm inviting you to be a member of a community like no other.
Set goals.
Stay accountable.
See results.
WHO holds you accountable to your goals? If you’re like most people, likely no one.
That’s about to change.
In the ULTIMATE LIFESTYLE TRANSFORMATION you’ll have support, accountability, and motivation to help you stay on track.
Over the course of the Transformation you will...
This is all about learning how to nourish and love your body with whole foods and superfoods nutrition.
high quality micronutrient dense superfoods
Weekly coaching calls
Support to keep you motivated during the transformation
Ability to get your questions answered by email, text, or WhatsAppÂ
Work with a holistic nutritionist & regenerative health practitioner who has guided many people through similar programs
Over the course of this journey, you will be eating, feeling and looking better than ever!
Organic, vegan, non GMO, kosher, pure superfoods.
This program is easy to follow. Superfoods get delivered right to your door!
Boost your immunity, reset bio rhythms for deeper sleep, reduce inflammation and balance hormones.
Experience more joy, more energy in your body, mind & spirit, and an overall sense of well-being!
Release addictions to processed foods, sugar, caffeine, even dairy, meat, alcohol, tobacco and other habits that no longer serve you.
Boost and reset your metabolism, lose 5-20 lbs or more & build lean muscle mass.
Increase mobility, reduce inflammation, rejuvenate your cells, experience tighter skin and embrace your youthfulness!
Start eating cleaner and greener and be supported every step of the way to create long-lasting, healthy habits.
"I am celebrating the Ultimate Lifestyle Transformation! My body has lost 10 pounds and is back to my ideal weight... inches dropped off my waist, and hips too. I've started walking daily, rather than once in a while, to go along with my regular daily yoga, Qi Gong and rebounder. My diet was organic and healthy already, but I've let go of the comfort foods that added the weight ...and decreased the quantity, knowing I'm getting excellent nutrition with the Power Shakes, which I love! I'm so grateful to Julie Brar for getting me started and for all the support."
"I just want to thank you from the bottom of my heart. You have no idea how much you’ve inspired me to change my life. Before I felt like I had no purpose, no confidence... basically just didn’t care. Now almost one month later, I’m feeling amazing. I don’t have the negative thoughts like I used to. I have so much energy and my confidence has boosted. Plus you’ve inspired me to take action and make changes in this world. I just wanted to let you know how much your support, encouragement, motivation have all inspired me to keep going, to love myself, and to just take good care of my overall health and wellness. THANK YOU SO MUCH!"
"Julie introduced me to the Ultimate Lifestyle Transformation and, without her, I would be eating factory farm animal products without giving it more thought. I made life-altering choices for myself... Her guidance and support helped me through this process to the end. Health benefits? I have lost 12lbs, my attitude has brightened and I feel much better about myself. I do not crave meat the way I used to and have a better outlook on what my footprint is on the environment and how we treat all living beings. Julie is one to watch and see how far her impact is felt across many lives and dimensions!"
The goal after this transformation is to keep these as your go to snacks along with your superfoods and predigested vegan protein. And of course to eat living fresh foods!! If you are trying to lose weight, you can snack on these flex foods aside from your balanced lunch and dinner. You can always have unlimited amounts of celery and cucumbers!
Flex Foods/Beverages are organic, super fruits and vegetables that provide you with flavorful taste, a chewing sensation, and the overall experience of eating. They transform stress eating from a negative to a positive by replacing comforting or familiar unhealthy food choices with organic super fruits and vegetables. Flex Foods will naturally become your go-to snacks! You can even use organic tropic oil, fresh squeezed lemon, Himalayan sea salt, or fresh herbs and spices, for extra flavor.
Lifestyle Meals are the meals you choose to compliment your Purium program. These are based on your ideal healthy lifestyle. They can be plant-based, high-protein or any dietary type that you prefer.
Just $90/week gets you in the door to learn about a range of topics including nutrition, meditation, goal setting, stress management, movement + other wellness techniques that will be introduced during the program.
*The Ultimate Lifestyle Transformation is only available in Canada and USA.
"Before I started the Ultimate Lifestyle Transformation (ULT), I was 190 lbs, tired all the time, depressed and had no love for myself. I ate constantly, sweets and “comfort food”. It was a viscous cycle because I would be frustrated with my body, then eat, then feel guilty about what I ate, then not care and eat again. I had met Julie and I started the ULT February 16th ...and haven’t looked back! I got into the groove in just a couple of days. After a week of detox, I felt like I was taking my power back! I had lost a few pounds, my mind was clearer and my mood was so much better. After a couple of weeks my cravings had subsided and I was starting to feel amazing! I was so proud at what I had accomplished, I knew I had to keep going. Sadly, we are always challenged. I was challenged with the cancer diagnosis of my dog Scarlet. I was a mess for days, but the interesting thing I noticed was that I didn’t turn to old habits... I didn’t even turn to food. The emotional eating cycle was broken! That’s when I knew I truly had my power back. I finished the first month losing 10 lbs and around 2 inches off my waste. Since then, I am now down to 173 (17lbs) and 3 inches off my waste. I have a goal now to get to 165 lbs!"
"I went looking for something better than what I was currently doing... And I found it! I was able to go from 155lbs to 125lbs with no gym time, improve my cognitive functions, reduce inflammation by 89%, remove harsh chemicals, plastic microfibers and pesticides by 75% , increased my serotonin production, decrease my metabolic age from 55 years old to 35 years and increased my own natural melatonin production. I no longer had insomnia, fatigue was gone, and purged parasites I had picked up from handling and eating meat. ALL THIS WITHIN 30 DAYS!"
"The Ultimate Lifestyle Transformation has arrived and passed, but it's not the end to this health and wellness journey of mine! Definitely shifting in the right direction and flowing forward. All these changes and it seems to just get better and better from the inside out! It's so hard to put into words these wonderful feelings with this change and all that has come my way since making this decision! My cleanse is technically over, but I am continuing my journey with my daily Core 4 products to keep my body in optimal shape."
The ULTIMATE LIFESTYLE TRANSFORMATION is USD $360 for the first month, $329 for subsequent months. This includes all of the above and you'll get support every step of the way.
50% Complete
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